And he almost always smelt like talcum powder 在他身上,你总能闻到滑石粉的味儿
Electrostatic separation of fine - graded talcum powder mineral 高压静电场对植物根系及吸收营养元素的影响
Dusted talcum powder on my feet 在我的脚上撒爽身粉
Cases of lymph leakage after breast carcinoma operation treated with talcum powder 滑石粉治疗乳腺癌术后淋巴漏32例32
Ben : told you . the secret is the talcum powder … refreshing and relax 告诉你吧!这个秘密就是多了爽身粉在里面喔… .让你舒爽又可放松
Others include baby care ; lips , nipples and mucous membrane care ; men ' s shaving ; hair removal ; talcum powder ; sun - protection ; deodorants and body sprays 其他个人护理用品包括婴幼儿护理用品、唇乳黏膜类个人护理用品、男士剃须用品、脱毛类用品、爽身护体类个人护理用品、防晒类用品及除臭类用品。
" overuse of recycled plastic and materials such as talcum powder and calcium carbonate can generate chemicals that can cause cancer if they come in contact with hot food and oil . " the newspaper said 报导指出,过度使用回收塑胶及滑石粉和碳酸钙等材质,一旦让它们接触到热食和油,就会产生致癌化学物质。
The results showed the optimum condition and technology were that mma : ea : maa = 45 : 40 : 15 , the content of total initiator was 0 . 8 % , and the content of seed initiator was 0 . 3 % , emulsion : talcum powder : water = 200 : 80 : 60 , and the defect of too sticky of working liquid could be overcame by using talcum powder as filling agent 结果表明:单体组成比为mma : ea : maa 45 : 40 : 15时,所得乳液聚合物能满足使用性能要求;种子引发剂加入量控制在单体量0 . 3 % ,而总的引发剂用量在0 . 8 %较适宜;以滑石粉作填料,可克服工作液增稠严重的缺陷,工作液的配比按胶乳:滑石粉:水质量比200 : 80 : 60能得到理想港宝胶片。
Lukang ? gel of proper density in water based system can adhesion and suspension powder materiel ( such as pigment , medicine and talcum powder etc . ) , stabilize suspension liquid , prevent suspended material sediment and harden , make suspension liquid even , bright - colored , convenience , easy spraying , and unaffected by outside force and time 适当浓度的绿康凝胶在水性体系中可粘合、悬浮粉状物料(如:颜料、药物、滑石粉等) ,稳定悬浮液,防止已悬浮物质的沉淀积合、硬化,使悬浮液质地均匀,色泽艳丽,使用方便,喷雾更加容易,且不受外力、时间影响。
The equipment could mill all kinds of material which could be milled on traditional pulverizer , but also could mill powder which strictly prescribe the maximal diameter and size distribution is confined , such as kaoline , talcum powder , copycat powder , coating , mica , hormones , alumina etc 设备都能超细加工在普通粉碎机上能够被粉碎的物料,尤其适合加工那些严格规限最大颗粒井要求粒度分布狭窄的产品,比如高岭土、滑石粉、复印机粉、涂料、云母、生长素、氧化铝等。